Code here written by Erica Krimmel.
General Overview
In this demo we will cover how to:
- Write a query to search for specimens using
- Filter records to identify tissue to sample
- Identify contact information for each collection
Write a query to search for specimen records
First, let’s find all the specimen records for the species you are
interested in. Do this using the idig_search_records
function from the ridigbio
package. You can learn more
about this function from the iDigBio API
documentation and ridigbio
documentation. In this example, we want to search for specimens
identified as being in one of the following genera: Manis,
Rhinolophus, or Paguma.
# Edit the fields (e.g. `genus`) and values (e.g. "manis") in `list()`
# to adjust your query and the fields (e.g. `uuid`) in `fields` to adjust the
# columns returned in your results
records <- idig_search_records(rq = list(genus = c("manis",
fields = c("uuid",
The query above returned
{r eval=verify_records} as.character(nrow(records))
from the iDigBio Portal. Here is a preview of what our results look
uuid | recordset | institutioncode | genus | scientificname | country | data.dwc:year | data.dwc:collectionCode | catalognumber | data.dwc:preparations |
00019ddf-8c70-4f37-a02b-8747a1b472ac | 9e046dad-2b23-4f95-8eaf-c0346de2556e | fmnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | philippines | 2008 | Mammals | 205979 | alc |
00039392-9b91-40ee-804f-6a895088056b | 3c9420c9-c4a8-47dc-88b7-b5638ca5e716 | nhmuk | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | algeria | NA | ZOO | | NA |
0005c309-c108-40c2-a646-3498631809f3 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus nippon | japan | 1954 | KUM | 64420 | EtOH Complete |
00060970-bb8b-41e6-a81d-613b47819613 | a8ac06c9-efb5-4337-9bdb-bee3b490772c | tm | rhinolophus | rhinolophus capensis | NA | 1989 | Mammal Collection | 41560 | NA |
00069eb8-603e-45b8-9b73-06ef1ada407c | ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 | rom | rhinolophus | rhinolophus eloquens | kenya | 1972 | Mammals | 65499 | whole; wet |
00072112-e2b0-4e20-8cae-36172ee7cf95 | 9e046dad-2b23-4f95-8eaf-c0346de2556e | fmnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus mehelyi | iran | 1962 | Mammals | 96616 | skin,skull |
Filter specimen records by preparation type
These results include all specimen records from the genera
of interest, but now we would like to narrow our search to include only
specimens that may have cryo-preserved tissue available. We are looking
in the dwc:preparations
field for this information, but there isn’t a controlled vocabulary in
use and so the data is not very standard. We can start by summarizing
the distinct values present in this field for all
{r eval=verify_records} as.character(nrow(records))
# List distinct values for the `preparation` field
prepsummary <- records %>%
group_by(`data.dwc:preparations`) %>%
# Display `prepsummary` in HTML output
knitr::kable(prepsummary) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options =
c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"),
full_width = FALSE) %>%
scroll_box(height = "400px")
data.dwc:preparations | n | ||
(alcohol >70%) | 4 | ||
– | 1 | ||
0°C Freezer Tissue | 1 | ||
1 fluid | 1 | ||
10% form.->70% alc. | 12 | ||
10% form.->70% alc.; CT Scan | 2 | ||
2 JAWS | cast: NO | 1 | ||
70% alc. | 1 | ||
ALC | 24 | ||
ALCO | 5 | ||
Alcohol | 13 | ||
Anatomical | 1 | ||
Ancillary Material - 1 | 1 | ||
Articulated skeleton | 1 | ||
BM - 1 | 1 | ||
Bone sample; SK | 43 | ||
CW | 1 | ||
Cranium | 6 | ||
Cranium & skeletal parts | 2 | ||
Disarticulated, Not Mounted | 10 | ||
Dry | 1 | ||
EtOH Complete | 111 | ||
EtOH Complete; false | 20 | ||
EtOH Complete; true | 148 | ||
EtOH Complete; true; Tissue Tusk; Frozen; true | 1 | ||
EtOH Complete; true; Tissue Unspecified; Frozen | 1 | ||
EtOH Complete; true; Tissue Unspecified; Frozen; true | 18 | ||
EtOH Partial; Skull Complete | 12 | ||
EtOH Partial; false; Skull Complete; false | 4 | ||
EtOH Partial; true; Skull Complete; true | 66 | ||
EtOH Partial; true; Skull Complete; true; Tissue Unspecified; Frozen | 1 | ||
EtOH Partial; true; Skull Complete; true; Tissue Unspecified; Frozen; true | 4 | ||
Ethanol Tissue | 20 | ||
FLUID-ALCOHOL - 1 | 23 | ||
FLUID-ALCOHOL - 1|SKULL - 1 | 14 | ||
FLUID-ALCOHOL - 1|TISSUE - 1 | 13 | ||
Flat Skin Only | 1 | ||
Fluid | 1750 | ||
Fluid - 1 | 7 | ||
Fluid - 1; Skull - 1 | 1 | ||
Fluid and skull | 114 | ||
Fluid, Skeleton, Skull, Head only, Complete Post Cranial, Cranium and Mandible, With Skin, Disarticulated, Not Mounted | 1 | ||
Fluid, Skull, Body with Skull Removed, Cranium and Mandible, With Skin, Not Mounted | 44 | ||
Fluid, Skull, Tissue, Body with Skull Removed, Cranium and Mandible, Unknown Tissue, With Skin, Not Mounted, Frozen | 1 | ||
Fluid, Skull, Whole Body, Cranium and Mandible, With Skin, Not Mounted | 1 | ||
Fluid, Tissue, Skull, Body with Skull Removed, Unknown Tissue, Cranium and Mandible, With Skin, Frozen, Not Mounted | 9 | ||
Fluid, Tissue, Whole Body, Unknown Tissue, With Skin, Frozen | 1 | ||
Fluid, Whole Body, With Skin | 1223 | ||
Fluid; Anatomical | 1 | ||
Fluid; Skull | 1 | ||
Frozen, Not Mounted | 1 | ||
Frozen, With Skin | 1 | ||
Frozen, With Skin, Not Mounted | 2 | ||
INCOMPL SKULL W R M1-M2 | 1 | ||
INCOMPL SKULL,L P4-M3, LM?/ | 1 | ||
L DENTARY W M1-M3 | 1 | ||
L DENTARY W P4-M3 | 1 | ||
L JAW, L MAX, GOOD CONDITION | cast: NO | 1 | ||
Leg Bones - 1 | 1 | ||
MOUNT | 1 | ||
Model | 1 | ||
Mounted | 8 | ||
Mounted Skeleton | 1 | ||
Mounted Skin | 1 | ||
Mounted Skin; Partial Skin | 1 | ||
Mounted skin; Skull; Skeleton | 2 | ||
Not Mounted | 575 | ||
Not Mounted, Disarticulated | 9 | ||
Not Mounted, Frozen, With Skin | 1 | ||
Other | 2 | ||
Other Tissue | 8 | ||
Other; Formalin & Alcohol | 198 | ||
Other; Photo; Formalin & Alcohol | 2 | ||
Partial Skin | 1 | ||
Partial Skull; Remainder in Fluid | 1 | ||
Pelt only | 2 | ||
Preserved specimen | 2 | ||
R DENTARY W P4-M3 | 1 | ||
R JAW | cast: NO | 1 | ||
SB - 1 | 2 | ||
SK - 1 | 3 | ||
SKELETON - 1|SKIN - 1|SKULL - 1 | 4 | ||
SKELETON - 1|SKULL - 1 | 31 | ||
SKIN - 1|SKULL - 1 | 11 | ||
SKIN - 1|SKULL - 1|TISSUE - 1 | 1 | ||
SKUL | 5 | ||
SKULL - 1 | 1 | ||
SKULL,R&L P4-M3 | 1 | ||
SN | 35 | ||
SN - 1 | 3 | ||
SO - 1 | 1 | ||
SS | 26 | ||
SS - 1 | 1 | ||
SSKE | 1 | ||
SSKU | 5 | ||
SSS | 1 | ||
Skeletal part(s) | 1 | ||
Skeletal parts | 4 | ||
Skeletal parts Skull | Skin |
Select values to filter on and apply filter
Based on the distinct values above, it seems like we can use the search terms “froze,” “freeze,” and “tissue” to narrow our results. We do this in the code below.
# Normalize values in `data.dwc:preparations` to be all lowercase; then
# filter rows that include our search terms
recordsfiltered <- records %>%
mutate(`data.dwc:preparations` = str_to_lower(`data.dwc:preparations`)) %>%
filter(grepl('freeze|froze|tissue', `data.dwc:preparations`))
Now we have
{r eval=verify_records} as.character(nrow(recordsfiltered))
records, all of which are displayed in the table here:
uuid | recordset | institutioncode | genus | scientificname | country | data.dwc:year | data.dwc:collectionCode | catalognumber | data.dwc:preparations |
008a529f-079c-495f-bc50-592cbe626185 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2008 | TTU-M | 114358 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
00f22bd3-464a-4ff7-85e7-6e641149dcf9 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2014 | KUM | 171402 | tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete |
0113a4be-9919-41ee-a6ec-e11d2561ecbf | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168539 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
013f080e-2d50-4ae9-b32e-8461858fe3c6 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168271 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
027aab04-d616-47a1-888a-b182bd0bb464 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | manis | manis tricuspis | central african republic | 1996 | Mammals | m-269889 | tissue, unknown tissue, frozen |
032a0579-b162-487b-abbf-44ade5703ac8 | 21ea1ef6-4a2a-4ff2-a18b-5c0f297fc1cf | uwbm | manis | manis javanica | singapore | 2019 | Mamm | uwbm:mamm:82865 | tissue (dry) |
036bb04a-0795-4124-a506-76d828546e89 | 497d74c2-d07f-4325-ac9c-8e80bcb53f61 | anwc | rhinolophus | rhinolophus megaphyllus | papua new guinea | 2009 | Mammals | m30814 | formalin, whole; tissues (loans); tissues: spleen (loans) |
036bb2c6-557a-4639-8079-8b89c60624f6 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus inops | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168137 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
036fa43a-4906-49be-a9f3-0fabccaabb81 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168866 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
0394774a-6085-46a7-b0db-b911df3ea0fc | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus euryotis | papua new guinea | 1981 | TTU-M | 36257 | skull | fluid body | tissue(s) |
0424885f-9f23-48a1-a364-9439f7840a3c | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2014 | KUM | 171409 | tissue tissue unspecified; skeleton complete; skull complete; skin complete |
042fb615-0302-4eb2-81eb-bbbfdf997e24 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus luctus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108395 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
04801a78-be5e-48a1-b641-4e1f3af10627 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275621 | fluid, skull, tissue, body with skull removed, cranium and mandible, unknown tissue, with skin, not mounted, frozen |
04aef3eb-3686-4880-9384-d78975981630 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168436 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
06f119d8-767a-4bce-a75b-c5c72d740882 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus subrufus | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168873 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
06f99112-6c2a-4fe1-92a8-832035fdc479 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275567 | fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted |
08b45ef6-437c-47e9-866d-3208fd8b0933 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220887 | tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed) |
09022cd5-762e-4839-b457-23db983c19b0 | ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 | rom | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | china | 2005 | Mammals | 116376 | voucher not available; tissue only |
094dccc0-3956-4f98-965f-3c9fad3473a4 | ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 | rom | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | china | 2005 | Mammals | 116375 | voucher not available; tissue only |
09a158ef-54fc-447b-8e90-b037299ae90d | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168143 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
0ae5ca7b-4455-4d9a-995d-bdb875a2f930 | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus trifoliatus | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4485 | ethanol tissue |
0bc05862-4299-49c6-843d-bff4fda70651 | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus creaghi | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4506 | ethanol tissue |
0c934bcb-2519-4ed8-ba1b-5d28548c7956 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168632 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
0d616578-8388-4afa-90b2-f45ef875dbd8 | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus creaghi | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4517 | ethanol tissue |
0d98bc95-4683-4353-b3bb-f539ab0de18c | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168339 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
0e7ccd7c-4c06-4ba4-8300-83b26523276d | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168880 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
0e9d3d39-7ffb-48ce-9169-0f38ee608d82 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2006 | KUM | 164661 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
0eaf5fd6-c198-4046-bcc5-1b5a7937d600 | ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 | rom | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | china | 2005 | Mammals | 116400 | voucher not available; tissue only |
0ed0c9ab-c352-4ea2-bc05-cfc58b9e9d7d | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4498 | ethanol tissue |
10b8a58d-22d3-4875-ae65-8735b1a2b9c8 | 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e | msb | rhinolophus | rhinolophus lepidus lepidus | india | 1984 | Mamm | msb:mamm:231643 | heart, kidney (frozen); liver (frozen) |
10d1a4f6-19c3-42f2-a8e5-ca1c183aa1d3 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115236 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
11069041-adab-490e-90b8-26c76e9758b9 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168645 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
11a9d751-ca28-4501-86ab-64310807521c | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168217 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
11c7e62f-176b-4948-9d7d-90ae69c657d6 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275547 | fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted |
12fad50c-92aa-4930-a39f-661b609f0ae0 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168731 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
131d584b-8e17-4cde-a017-75cd24663c0e | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus creaghi | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4512 | ethanol tissue |
1339c193-27ef-4cd0-8189-c99d8b4dd85d | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108360 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
13d6dfc8-47c5-4216-b789-e6671bd4bacf | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus borneensis | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108308 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
145b3e81-3152-41b7-80f7-12165e7884e7 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippines | 2011 | TTU-M | 113728 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
14ea174a-7e29-40ef-93ff-b53ba9e39ef5 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus subrufus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168359 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
1549d57f-66ed-4408-b781-9d6da0cabf2f | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275557 | tissue, skull, fluid, unknown tissue, cranium and mandibles, body with skull removed, frozen, not mounted, with skin |
162ca35c-1fe1-482b-8b96-ebe4d0a6dae1 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168538 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
16e5cd26-5bc2-4cd4-aeb3-66c58cff0041 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168434 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
17ab57f8-bddf-4ba5-93d3-285bd3ad20a8 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2005 | KUM | 164327 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
1a552d25-9bfa-430c-bd4e-c06c5c4e6022 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus inops | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168104 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
1a59a4b2-8518-4454-9d2a-418b4370b60c | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168792 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; skeleton complete; false; skull complete |
1b8f2d0c-235c-4a60-a7c1-67dc3cc91eea | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2006 | KUM | 164665 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
1c5b93e7-888d-4859-8bf3-f1fd1db2b748 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220878 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
1c6b3905-067b-44b2-9bb4-24041af2048a | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | china | 1988 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:192692 | tissue (frozen) |
1db31b07-faf9-4fc5-936e-129e782bbbb1 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168877 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
1dd6bc6f-8876-4313-85cc-bee7b54614db | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108362 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
1df20dee-a1f4-4b0a-ad69-a37d3d249d08 | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4361 | 0°c freezer tissue |
1e6cb4ff-57b1-4045-be27-6fd7de215812 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168795 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; skeleton complete; false; skull complete |
1edfba63-e802-44e9-8628-66c2a558af3e | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus lepidus | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4420 | other tissue |
1ff7272d-2a9e-47fb-ad14-15113263cdb9 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2010 | KUM | 168379 | tissue tissue unspecified; unknown; true; etoh complete |
2138fdc7-df45-41a5-9fca-72da8c4a9442 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168270 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
21a45f6b-7bb4-4bb6-bdf9-ca99b13ef318 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168106 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
2244843a-4788-46c5-8c82-0e610f7c9462 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2006 | KUM | 164655 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
245be12d-0d03-4041-afa2-e0b2ebbf4fb7 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108380 | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
24db3a23-802c-4df6-81a6-09097a30448f | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168542 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
2537afad-b4b9-4afe-b52f-12ca6cc6f0dc | 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd | ummz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 1998 | mammals | 174639 | fluid-alcohol - 1|tissue - 1 |
25c1a96b-1caf-4d7b-9cf2-64da09166ed3 | 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd | ummz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 1998 | mammals | 174665 | skin - 1|skull - 1|tissue - 1 |
25c84c53-d9c9-4476-9e61-4a8c64c638aa | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus rufus | philippines | 2011 | TTU-M | 113742 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
26492ff9-5646-49d2-b9ff-bbe23d8104c2 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40546 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
265b4fec-5c09-4331-9aae-2dbc7ba1e118 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus subrufus | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168872 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
26a53664-afa7-4b27-840e-80182e496e90 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168513 | tissue unspecified; frozen; etoh complete; true |
27cd8f0b-54e9-43ce-a0a8-4b653fa096b9 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus hipposideros | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40553 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
289ab281-918d-420a-bf27-44113a701c56 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | philippine islands | 2014 | KUM | 171487 | tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete |
29c03583-5326-469a-b654-68a73541ca3b | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus inops | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168108 | tissue; frozen; skull; etoh; true |
2ac762ef-8a43-406f-8d99-75211d57be20 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115224 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
2b1d0850-e6b7-4d39-b770-f40537f03f9a | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2005 | KUM | 164326 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
2c13fc6d-8236-44ef-8eb1-1fb760b9eb13 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115233 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
2c91d146-f2ea-46cc-b08c-3468cbd0c030 | 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd | ummz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 1998 | mammals | 174645 | fluid-alcohol - 1|tissue - 1 |
2ce3b99c-7c71-4e02-a6e2-eb3172ea4314 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275722 | fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted |
2cff6ccb-0afc-4b91-b70d-4cc981c34ec3 | 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd | ummz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 1998 | mammals | 174637 | fluid-alcohol - 1|tissue - 1 |
2d424300-aea1-4303-9c26-f4bb5bd37d46 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus trifoliatus | ukraine | 2000 | TTU-M | 106159 | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
2d525436-e625-4cde-bb29-4ca2477abae7 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115231 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
2d57d3ee-6f28-4ec0-b45e-3e289990752e | 2d853a6d-50ec-4931-8e91-48fc2491fdee | lacm | rhinolophus | rhinolophus megaphyllus | australia | 1986 | Mammals | 74721 | skin and skull, tissue 0088 |
2e6a06eb-9467-4ff8-849b-08f194d29893 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | philippines | 2011 | TTU-M | 113738 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
2e706c4f-4b94-4654-914c-13b4232bc18c | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275584 | fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted |
2ecf7b2c-537f-45a1-aeca-472a6a575a55 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40529 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
2eda5599-cac8-4351-940e-72a632dfa691 | 2d853a6d-50ec-4931-8e91-48fc2491fdee | lacm | rhinolophus | rhinolophus megaphyllus | australia | 1986 | Mammals | 74722 | skin and skull, tissue 0129 |
2f5c5038-9235-4dda-8aba-b90b37afc887 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus trifoliatus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108250 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
2f8e6b10-f323-45a5-8bb2-c547bcf4bc38 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2008 | TTU-M | 114361 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
300eea26-b313-4ccc-8493-7747834a4cd8 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115164 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
3072662a-c27f-4e94-b991-3c56b37688c7 | 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd | ummz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 1998 | mammals | 174641 | fluid-alcohol - 1|tissue - 1 |
30e08ec3-d819-4ade-8961-5f51c159799d | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus inops | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168130 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
3127c869-6f9a-47a2-83d3-94d8b0fff430 | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4483 | ethanol tissue |
316a99a7-3f33-4067-871b-ada6dbece66c | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2005 | KUM | 164328 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
31a00a18-7164-4f77-9008-d5f901f28d0c | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus megaphyllus | papua new guinea | 1981 | TTU-M | 36260 | skull | fluid body | tissue(s) |
32075169-c26e-4162-92f2-29e372e20194 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus swinnyi | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220889 | tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed) |
32294929-995a-4e21-9580-a60f7679c2a4 | 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f | mcz | paguma | paguma larvata grayi | india | 1903 | Mamm | 7089 | skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); tissue (dry) sample |
32fc6ec3-32c8-4e5c-8969-c4a7085fbb54 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2006 | KUM | 164660 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
33a24970-4c36-483c-9197-f596d4de9cf5 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | philippine islands | 2014 | KUM | 171490 | tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete |
33b06f06-31e6-4fd9-ae62-95d4c0fd0748 | 21ea1ef6-4a2a-4ff2-a18b-5c0f297fc1cf | uwbm | manis | manis tricuspis | united states | NA | Mamm | uwbm:mamm:82845 | tissue (frozen) |
33bcb3b9-91b0-4b2a-b6d9-c0f8305dae73 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40531 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
33d79ec2-633b-4f5c-895e-abc6a04be595 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus borneensis | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108385 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
34f10217-1b73-4942-b249-e099757f8aca | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168231 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
351fd795-fd58-44f8-8ffa-20a3155ad8a0 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115226 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
35291a11-a64d-4888-81ea-909692675afc | 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f | mcz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus megaphyllus ignifer | australia | 1932 | Mamm | 29078 | skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry) |
356f50d4-8982-47b0-bd5c-b2f066539917 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115165 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
35759df2-e1ff-47b6-95d8-d4566495c056 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | paguma | paguma larvata | vietnam | 1997 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:186577 | skeleton; skin, study; skull; tissue (ethanol 95%; frozen) |
3754a579-50c9-4d3c-bbc7-537838c55694 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus luctus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108342 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
37b52d0a-c7e2-4716-a981-e35e70e9f37c | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | china | 1988 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:192691 | tissue (frozen) |
37c26944-f02e-487a-8880-8b78330f7f91 | c6969e30-ca21-4576-954d-9c0e052bdde9 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 2014 | Mammals | 38375 | tissue-1, alcohol-1 |
38bc2781-9d3c-4949-9c0d-f1f49033158f | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168439 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
38febdfb-c2ed-4d88-8bd8-578a675ae218 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275705 | tissue, skull, fluid, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, frozen, not mounted, with skin |
3938b9ba-12b5-4326-b12e-7b29df3cb047 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus subrufus | philippine islands | 2005 | KUM | 164348 | etoh partial; true; skull complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
39411539-369f-422d-bbfe-58d084d466e0 | 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f | mcz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis alleni | philippines | 1937 | Mamm | 35097 | skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry) |
39413af3-a091-45fe-ad25-3114eaf5329d | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168345 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
397f1442-f7ed-485b-a24e-06b330c3e30c | 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f | mcz | manis | manis javanica | philippines | 1937 | Mamm | 35535 | skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry) sample |
3a8b3014-efb0-4118-92bb-dfec6207ede1 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168226 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
3ac637de-bd1e-4cb1-be24-31a59c185834 | 2d853a6d-50ec-4931-8e91-48fc2491fdee | lacm | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | australia | 1986 | Mammals | 74723 | skin and skull, tissue 0135 |
3ae8dcf0-ab59-4fdd-8cef-25bbf7ee0a0b | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168218 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
3b38be70-04af-49e9-93f7-ec88f9623b33 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115167 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
3b4c7c8c-129b-465e-92ef-37c46ada0b59 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220881 | tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed) |
3b4d4102-9e4d-4da9-b6ac-f97f85f653e4 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus clivosus | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220900 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
3b9aeb88-4631-4f90-8fff-461381c1b6ca | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus inops | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168132 | tissue; frozen; skull; etoh; true |
3ba8c737-6e55-4b71-99d8-1f3bdb9a1fa9 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus subrufus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168245 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
3bb21ea4-1c0b-4ba2-9ba6-28a8bd5b0225 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275704 | tissue, skull, fluid, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, frozen, not mounted, with skin |
3c69075d-1e9e-4d0d-8801-af7bfe56d707 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115225 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
3db53072-c314-4a83-a409-0858be9c2ac7 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168485 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
3ddf4a8b-fb28-49dd-97bc-a79c5867743e | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | manis | manis tricuspis | central african republic | 1996 | Mammals | m-269861 | frozen |
3e0dc20c-33db-4414-b5a3-af2ea0ec3cf9 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40548 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
3ec4f0f3-5c1d-41b2-b3e4-ddf85d0fbdea | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2006 | KUM | 164659 | etoh complete; true; tissue tusk; frozen; true |
3ffcb366-04b0-47f5-b02e-6d31ed0577c7 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168341 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
406b5064-8776-432e-bf1e-03bb191146fa | 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e | msb | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | india | 1984 | Mamm | msb:mamm:231686 | unknown (frozen) |
412c64ae-d03b-4211-9e9c-7c1bb71e598b | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220890 | tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed) |
41cf98c6-bc81-436a-9614-db71f321c168 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | philippines | 2012 | TTU-M | 113747 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
420df425-c71c-4cab-8c52-b5bce8a18fc9 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2005 | KUM | 164367 | etoh partial; true; skull complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
4387a147-a211-47f5-ae51-adf2d47bb1ee | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220880 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
447cb34e-1f0a-4039-92bd-4555ea83bb15 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus sedulus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108394 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
45759c93-69b0-4f97-8903-3fe6b02435a6 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus sedulus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108396 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
462f00dc-cf3d-440f-9fb6-573d06526512 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus inops | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168131 | tissue; frozen; skull; etoh; true |
46b31333-bd4a-44d5-8966-3b6688a5a563 | 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd | ummz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | pakistan | 1990 | mammals | 167651 | fluid-alcohol - 1|tissue - 1 |
46b4286c-1901-4868-a178-8fdd07491ef1 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220873 | carcass (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed); skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
476c2c8d-a05a-4a18-a48c-8ffddb4350a3 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40543 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
4842d2ae-9647-4389-ae12-e024313929f6 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115210 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
484815b5-7ea4-4fe6-a489-da23c1dcbd39 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40536 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
499455ea-6998-4780-a2d5-db0d910a0016 | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus lepidus | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4492 | ethanol tissue |
49c52b3a-b038-4c87-9d72-8cd042a925d1 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40545 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
4a1abc15-ca2b-4894-99d3-a85fce13550b | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40527 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
4a6b73b5-978b-4e0d-9a7c-48e03cc70f4a | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275585 | fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted |
4b3532a2-c4cc-4189-9858-e050e9917acc | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | tunisia | 1996 | TTU-M | 70915 | skin | skull | tissue(s) |
4cb84e88-68b1-4d87-b654-4ece0098ccb3 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168757 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
4cf58635-cd60-402e-b113-28484a017b1e | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168332 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
4d078e78-08f7-4730-a102-20e06ea7064a | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168796 | tissue; frozen; skeleton; skull; true |
4d6b385b-2e09-4ad5-adda-346c5704cc28 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2006 | KUM | 164973 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
4d82be76-af7b-45f7-b902-2f97394d2d13 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168864 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
4d9508c9-00fb-4009-be29-e8e7b2df1af3 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168128 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
4da5a77f-52b1-498b-bc60-51114defcfa0 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168754 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
4dbf0d44-f269-47e7-804f-512aa271ddfe | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus sedulus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108341 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
4eba05bd-54a4-4eba-a94c-ac9038cb498f | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168450 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
4eceecd1-a1f7-405a-8c9a-4099803a7ab8 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus luctus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108345 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
4ee800ba-bfc4-49a0-a94d-eaa3a4d87a2f | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pusillus | vietnam | 1998 | Mammals | m-272340 | frozen, with skin |
4f157b4e-b3fc-4db3-93af-c9e3175e42ab | b4d4e884-a2ef-4967-b4cb-2072fc465eaf | uam | rhinolophus | rhinolophus acuminatus | cambodia | 2001 | Mamm | uam:mamm:104764 | muscle (frozen); whole organism (ethanol) |
5115a5f2-b007-4802-96cd-73669905404b | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168099 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
5135335c-356f-450a-a5d8-15cb2e5975c7 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220895 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
514b2443-55ad-483f-802e-a3e3c4037a51 | c6969e30-ca21-4576-954d-9c0e052bdde9 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 2014 | Mammals | 38374 | tissue-1, alcohol-1 |
5191d4b9-f873-46ce-8cb5-30c88ab916c1 | 76015dea-c909-4e6d-a8e1-3bf35763571e | ypm | paguma | paguma larvata | NA | NA | VZ | ypm mam 014805 | skeleton; tissue (frozen) |
51e7923a-5a2c-4f3c-98ec-ddebf108460f | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168253 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
526526e3-1cb1-4a27-ade1-18eedf888c14 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168793 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; skeleton complete; false; skull complete |
53b96f01-3e46-44e9-bc01-1b9fca01061c | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40528 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
551d5ca2-50e5-4580-9a7a-0ea3b4a6d818 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275699 | tissue, skull, fluid, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, frozen, not mounted, with skin |
5776a469-d91d-4b00-8b58-5f98db695ed8 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168531 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
58618410-a0e1-48ff-93d0-be16655c056c | 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e | msb | rhinolophus | rhinolophus lepidus lepidus | india | 1984 | Mamm | msb:mamm:231641 | unknown (frozen) |
588f2639-26c4-4af4-b949-878053b70922 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115229 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
5973f48d-db4a-4fd2-b130-6b4bf3c84d62 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus stheno | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108171 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
59c394a3-b4a7-44db-bf9f-f1505546f258 | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus creaghi | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4518 | ethanol tissue |
5a06a70d-45de-4b18-95ad-ca84d3400d18 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | philippine islands | 2014 | KUM | 171485 | tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete |
5abb62ba-cac5-47f9-b350-3becb27e7b72 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115212 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
5acb2d40-85bc-4015-8397-fdc1b2ff567b | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | vietnam | 1998 | Mammals | m-272377 | frozen, with skin, not mounted |
5b96c780-6f07-4c42-a146-849d3404face | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40533 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
5d49257b-37a7-4bed-af38-9bb17923747f | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168204 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
5ed44b45-1443-4ffc-b9d3-7bd37b568933 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippines | 2012 | TTU-M | 113743 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
5fc9336b-6c79-46c0-90f5-eb74ff5db487 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168878 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
5fccfd50-d66e-421c-b64b-c35e86b4acd5 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | united states | 2006 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:239248 | tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed) |
606600a1-c9bd-4865-8ccf-b3dc3654ed05 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168543 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
60a22c09-9673-46b0-bec6-7fd7da620638 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus luctus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108343 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
60db7f12-0d35-481c-8e99-7144be38f1c0 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus swinnyi | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220884 | tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed) |
61334e5c-c51a-4e1f-a1d2-65942c9865d7 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus borneensis | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108393 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
634f2d57-bad4-4993-a9e3-c73455d41d2c | 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e | msb | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 2000 | Mamm | msb:mamm:93100 | liver (frozen); muscle (frozen); skull; whole organism (alcohol) |
635d5bed-f3a1-447d-8c82-aa2b2b4ae347 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2006 | KUM | 165157 | etoh partial; true; skull complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen |
636abcef-43ac-4b72-b3bc-94a44e3fd612 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus clivosus | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220899 | carcass (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed); skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
643ad490-6090-4119-8de1-0103333d7809 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220886 | tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed) |
6500e00c-cda5-4d46-b4ec-35c51db70ed4 | 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f | mcz | paguma | paguma larvata intrudens | thailand | 1937 | Mamm | 35873 | tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); skeleton (dry); tissue (dry) sample |
65b80e40-c3c0-4b29-ba21-b5e87c060dc1 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2008 | TTU-M | 114362 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
65d93787-a753-420f-916f-afe20bccdfea | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2006 | KUM | 164664 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
669c13ef-9aa9-449c-b93b-ce408c25cb37 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | united states | 2006 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:239250 | tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed) |
66ccce8b-f3ae-48f4-98b4-9b7d980918f0 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168867 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
671403d8-00b8-4ef5-932e-3938b0b54027 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | philippine islands | 2014 | KUM | 171488 | tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete |
67519cc0-d7da-48c1-979b-c900857e7e3e | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168649 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
6848eea3-f873-44a4-a427-64d817ea780a | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168661 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
69d9d6c8-b8f1-4328-9268-0f51df5d5950 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40550 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
6a578966-5439-4765-b276-3c1ec772e307 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275620 | fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted |
6a7695ac-fab9-494b-9cc6-ad820d11715f | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4514 | ethanol tissue |
6ad1cd68-f298-4757-beb6-92c16b6f9fb5 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168238 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
6af9cd24-5d9c-4415-aad1-d2a24742c879 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168129 | tissue; frozen; skull; etoh; true |
6bd77d52-5a5b-4f81-afb4-eb23630e21d3 | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus luctus | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4427 | other tissue |
6d51bfb2-d207-44b3-aefd-ed5ef1e50074 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus robinsoni | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108185 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
6d7bda87-508d-4a12-9e46-4d78b4f581f0 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus subrufus | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168874 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
6df48b43-86c6-45fa-bb4b-edbb3f01ee07 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168523 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
6e3dbf92-60ae-4529-b3d3-c6fc8601cdaf | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168229 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
6f7db3a3-a28b-4c07-8213-7e056b7f8a96 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168753 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
6f8c6317-ed52-45b8-8011-0322f76f029a | 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f | mcz | paguma | paguma larvata larvata | taiwan | 1930 | Mamm | 28785 | skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); tissue (dry) sample |
6fcec7fb-3cbf-4068-b860-23aef273c256 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168494 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
6fd0072b-6563-43ed-b292-44669f63ec72 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168512 | tissue unspecified; frozen; etoh complete; true |
702da6ba-3b39-4433-9c4f-3c43a8986021 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus subrufus | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168875 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
7069a9ff-51ec-4058-bd69-0a8efbd63c1c | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115203 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
70ac5a98-b740-43a5-a62c-e23e1ccf34bb | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus inops | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168127 | tissue; frozen; skull; etoh; true |
70b99ccd-4617-4b62-abe6-26520aa4a729 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40549 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
71084527-7762-4cae-986d-5ee7642d0e37 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168232 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
71514909-3be9-46f8-8eeb-d13d23aa1788 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168329 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
724cff05-f742-4534-b8e6-f7a007b6da5b | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220879 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
72c9ab82-1f0a-4642-98b5-df0852f40bb5 | ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 | rom | rhinolophus | rhinolophus borneensis | indonesia; borneo | 1993 | Mammals | 101995 | voucher not available; tissue only |
72cbcd9d-9c28-40c0-9cdf-cb61f14fadff | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168317 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
72ee9113-434e-4f98-ad10-ae78ce3fd85b | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168319 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
752f65e1-2910-4aba-86bc-a6cebdd39831 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168668 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
75f10b27-42e6-4029-84fb-9b7948b01a3c | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115252 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
763fa2b0-fac6-4bf3-8106-3bd37247308c | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | philippine islands | 2014 | KUM | 171465 | tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete |
77099def-5c83-4240-b278-38b8fcdb1223 | ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 | rom | rhinolophus | rhinolophus trifoliatus | indonesia; borneo | 1993 | Mammals | 102000 | voucher not available; tissue only |
7973deaa-73eb-442f-9c68-89d1a5754b05 | 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd | ummz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 1998 | mammals | 174640 | fluid-alcohol - 1|tissue - 1 |
7d32e9bd-41e9-4646-b207-d31e23ce7acc | 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd | ummz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 1998 | mammals | 174646 | fluid-alcohol - 1|tissue - 1 |
7db68c37-cd83-4592-9283-71f19c810b25 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus luctus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108408 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
7dc1a08b-4554-40e8-8217-6907d4039d44 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168732 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
7dfb58dc-6b6f-4d42-9f2b-1df471743c8f | 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e | msb | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 2000 | Mamm | msb:mamm:93099 | liver (frozen); muscle (frozen); skull; whole organism (alcohol) |
7fdd7a59-43ab-42a3-842d-b2d251363265 | ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 | rom | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | china | 2005 | Mammals | 116393 | voucher not available; tissue only |
806cea00-0170-4394-9f1f-948aab5e623e | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115251 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
807533dd-0ab7-4c2c-b3c8-be3422502ede | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168484 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
80b6a592-3d07-450e-9433-1b453636a339 | ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 | rom | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | china | 2005 | Mammals | 116404 | voucher not available; tissue only |
80e11380-b7bf-4767-874d-9e37bb648421 | ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 | rom | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | china | 2005 | Mammals | 116438 | voucher not available; tissue only |
80f77c84-c9d7-4358-bfae-e56156aa7b28 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2005 | KUM | 164325 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
80fe5b62-4ee4-49f8-a392-126a5851d091 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168881 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
825982cc-aa54-49df-b28e-a1d8f7bf0932 | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus trifoliatus | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4519 | ethanol tissue |
82dee2d9-abf8-4931-8263-eae1051f6ee0 | d598446c-2b25-4d5d-a983-99be53001203 | nmv | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 1992 | DNA Laboratory | z31821 | tissue|frozen|ethanol 95%|liver|ethanol 96%|-196°c |
83034cca-228c-4fa1-99ae-c14c55084e77 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus inops | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168126 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
84cdb60b-6c48-45af-8895-e83904bdcbb1 | 21ea1ef6-4a2a-4ff2-a18b-5c0f297fc1cf | uwbm | manis | manis javanica | singapore | 2010 | Mamm | uwbm:mamm:82629 | skeleton; skin, study; tissue (frozen) |
855bb650-ea0e-4005-89ed-11a1c042b218 | 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e | msb | rhinolophus | rhinolophus lepidus lepidus | india | 1984 | Mamm | msb:mamm:231647 | unknown (frozen) |
87181db3-997b-4317-8be2-1b88911f78cb | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus trifoliatus | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4416 | other tissue |
878d3221-2362-45f7-a104-fd2b7d4f691b | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | united states | 2006 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:239253 | tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed) |
87e036a0-ef57-4bf2-9bdd-72804655e2b5 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168228 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
884e11b5-df23-471e-9df5-2a9acab700df | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus creaghi | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4513 | ethanol tissue |
8883ef1b-9001-40fa-8ac3-1113c897a7af | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220897 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
88b71adc-c58f-4d1f-8700-aa6c2cdf441e | 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd | ummz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 1998 | mammals | 174643 | fluid-alcohol - 1|tissue - 1 |
8918b4c2-e259-41bb-8b6e-87ea1144e4a6 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | philippine islands | 2014 | KUM | 171473 | tissue tissue unspecified; skeleton complete; skull complete |
892a5f83-d234-4be2-a5b4-c3224a4bfcdf | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus clivosus | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220898 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
896d6a9c-df7e-4508-ab79-330991547f5f | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus acuminatus | thailand | 1983 | TTU-M | 41250 | skin | skull | tissue(s) |
8a35e68c-1046-4086-9864-f1a0bc234339 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40532 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
8b1037a6-bbac-48de-9341-39f02f4b3722 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168471 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
8b86850a-bc76-4cd8-99fe-5e925282774b | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus trifoliatus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108275 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
8bc9a297-b920-4883-b174-ebb1a056a910 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40539 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
8bd07db7-22b2-4480-a924-c512d208260d | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40541 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
8c17e19a-d49c-4c11-a111-eb4fb92d4853 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pusillus | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275592 | skull, fluid, tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, not mounted, with skin, frozen |
8c38a3ee-dd7f-4ac6-88e9-68c6aaf1a900 | 2d853a6d-50ec-4931-8e91-48fc2491fdee | lacm | rhinolophus | rhinolophus megaphyllus | australia | 1986 | Mammals | 74720 | skin and skull, tissue 0087 |
8ca8f97d-1d31-4d01-92bd-bbec0a8527cc | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220874 | carcass (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed); skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
8da99b8b-7f97-479f-83b4-2cb3b6a6a39f | 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e | msb | rhinolophus | rhinolophus celebensis | indonesia | 2000 | Mamm | msb:mamm:93101 | liver (frozen); muscle (frozen); skull; whole organism (alcohol) |
8dfa3c56-0a29-4f89-870a-d8729a4f384e | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus clivosus | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220904 | embryo (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed); skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
8e332e3b-2f0b-4c73-8f83-fbc125b400f0 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168230 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
8e80fe91-06f2-4995-9921-e8c38879904a | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4486 | ethanol tissue |
8f045a87-e1db-4219-8257-757c21586f1f | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2006 | KUM | 164658 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
8f049f7f-aeb8-4f35-9196-f887653440ca | 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e | msb | rhinolophus | rhinolophus lepidus lepidus | india | 1984 | Mamm | msb:mamm:231645 | unknown (frozen) |
8f51379f-2566-4225-bdad-e6419c3e5d12 | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus lepidus | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4419 | other tissue |
8fad29da-05cd-4226-856c-772e44b34261 | ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 | rom | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | china | 2005 | Mammals | 116484 | voucher not available; tissue only |
90da6582-b8bf-458d-a612-e3fa8d3fc1bf | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus rouxi sinicus | china | 1988 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:176505 | tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol) |
9112a5c9-99b1-42a9-82a3-36fefaa0a0b1 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus hipposideros | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40552 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
912dec11-b696-4ba6-9b48-811153b0f26c | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | united states | 2006 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:239249 | tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed) |
92fac605-de17-4dcb-978b-aa0fe8c72d32 | 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e | msb | rhinolophus | rhinolophus lepidus lepidus | india | 1984 | Mamm | msb:mamm:231625 | unknown (frozen) |
950786b9-005b-4b53-8cef-0bd604d44501 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115207 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
95456720-84f9-4fc3-99f3-5463f5ea1024 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus mehelyi | tunisia | 1996 | TTU-M | 70911 | unknown prep | tissue(s) |
95f3e3ed-8034-4af4-950a-22978160036e | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40524 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
97469adb-4336-4cc4-ba6f-f1b2bbf0792c | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40540 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
9762b30d-3bd1-4f9b-9dab-b98c440ff65a | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40530 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
9ad500f9-753f-464b-af1d-bd5f87ed9d1c | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus mehelyi | tunisia | 1996 | TTU-M | 70910 | unknown prep | tissue(s) |
9ae6a440-346a-4183-83c3-4bef7ae627b6 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168502 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
9ca0505c-41f4-4c07-8158-2846c61b0beb | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168236 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
9d24f720-7eba-4bfe-8449-82cec28ca996 | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus trifoliatus | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4426 | other tissue |
9d69bac6-4561-4596-86e3-58f30f055dac | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168463 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
9db16950-7c65-42fb-bf9e-e1496ec1c541 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | united states | 2006 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:239247 | tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed) |
9e351d90-70e6-4be5-975d-25662b3e6ab1 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168237 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
9ed9ae0a-b1d8-496b-92c1-b5cb9812e523 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108353 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
a0a18d25-1c1f-489d-8f83-f5eacd494549 | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus lepidus | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4487 | ethanol tissue |
a0c7358c-3c44-4977-be2d-688701955633 | c6969e30-ca21-4576-954d-9c0e052bdde9 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 2013 | Mammals | 38232 | tissue-1, skeleton-1, skull-1, skin-1 |
a168e365-ea44-45b7-93c7-78172cb9c8b6 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108361 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
a230da17-d67d-442c-aac6-256f33904546 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168328 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete; skull complete |
a3440154-faab-4a6d-9cd3-0e701adc11dc | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus trifoliatus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108238 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
a3695a34-431f-48da-bc32-452255cd1843 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40547 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
a378aab0-6a78-43a5-8ee4-f30ba73a3ece | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus subrufus | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168868 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
a39d951e-847f-48c1-813c-69b642fa58d5 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | philippine islands | 2014 | KUM | 171472 | tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete |
a3f7bd15-8d1e-4d74-a6c2-48aa4b6af4f9 | 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd | ummz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 1998 | mammals | 174642 | fluid-alcohol - 1|tissue - 1 |
a43517c5-494d-455b-a640-35ce3ab20ffb | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus mehelyi | tunisia | 1996 | TTU-M | 70909 | unknown prep | tissue(s) |
a5460309-ef72-4169-b189-c9f0125a0624 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40534 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
a637b1f8-ddb0-47b1-856d-8b9736f6c8de | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus subrufus | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168871 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
a663bf1a-39f7-4f70-a173-38795e0f168b | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2006 | KUM | 164657 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
a6eb0060-b296-4aa6-93c4-0cddca9ac526 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus borneensis | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108388 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
a710f506-d2a7-409a-96ca-0f60dbe227b1 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus trifoliatus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108173 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
a8355760-2ba5-4a83-b70b-1b60c3a7f606 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168514 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
a84a7b60-65a2-48be-989c-0d779a812ad9 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus inops | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168498 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
a8a1d864-8508-4519-9de3-002e0304705f | 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e | msb | rhinolophus | rhinolophus lepidus lepidus | india | 1984 | Mamm | msb:mamm:231650 | heart, kidney (frozen); liver (frozen) |
a8ce3e3d-aae8-4aa3-bbed-d394140bf10d | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | united states | 2006 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:239251 | tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed) |
a98d86f7-a18c-4ad9-94d5-d23bc112fd0e | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus trifoliatus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108315 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
aa5382b5-8f27-4fcf-8ab4-1f5c97fa9b26 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus megaphyllus | papua new guinea | 1981 | TTU-M | 36259 | skull | fluid body | tissue(s) |
aabcb986-2a01-4c29-b4bd-2572cc2db7b3 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus clivosus | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220902 | carcass (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed); skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
ab4d321b-a76a-4d6e-8404-fe2f1285bafc | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115168 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
ab632cc0-a0cb-47b3-b372-66b657a581c3 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40551 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
ab808a29-8a92-4a1d-8fd3-8e9919385368 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168102 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
abfb3e97-b10d-4e94-a452-438ebb959368 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168227 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
ac1ad2b0-7e60-4b77-9d74-e81aa3ae5de9 | 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd | ummz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 1998 | mammals | 174635 | fluid-alcohol - 1|tissue - 1 |
ad5400d5-04fd-4730-a5ed-e8d176b9009e | c6969e30-ca21-4576-954d-9c0e052bdde9 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 2013 | Mammals | 38231 | tissue-1, skeleton-1, skull-1, skin-1 |
ad98432a-df82-40aa-b405-c09fa98d2eb5 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168865 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
adc4cc3f-1120-4eb5-a8a1-8a7eaee30b6e | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168540 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
ae3ebe6f-49b5-4d97-9e75-4458e193961a | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2005 | KUM | 164324 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
aeb3d775-d197-4db9-acf2-b4a2bd402af3 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220893 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
af998d6f-1b3a-4964-9a74-4ac570eb0679 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275697 | fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted |
b08c09fd-fcc2-4517-b8b5-d715f59376b7 | 497d74c2-d07f-4325-ac9c-8e80bcb53f61 | anwc | rhinolophus | rhinolophus megaphyllus | australia | 1964 | Mammals | m05818 | skin; skull; tissues: hair (loans) |
b0d766b8-ccf7-4931-b166-274c0a24744b | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108228 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
b26a43f4-b4d0-4c93-8587-e4850791e52f | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168733 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
b30edd7e-cf1e-4f6e-b78e-a81f507d024e | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168314 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
b35ac575-ac01-4605-b696-09d7583fef24 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168233 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
b4f98066-4209-457e-8378-566986229b6a | 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f | mcz | manis | manis pentadactyla pusilla | china | 1923 | Mamm | 24767 | skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry) sample |
b5d1f85a-0863-4954-9b30-26c1962acd0b | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2006 | KUM | 165156 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen |
b5e66978-ce38-437c-a41a-9d0cafbbc59c | 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e | msb | rhinolophus | rhinolophus lepidus lepidus | india | 1984 | Mamm | msb:mamm:231648 | unknown (frozen) |
b7ba000a-aebc-469d-a8af-da02fb284dd9 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115249 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
b950b9b4-c170-421d-bec4-10f9963733f1 | 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f | mcz | manis | manis pentadactyla | china | 1922 | Mamm | 19992 | skin (dry); skeleton (dry); tissue (dry) sample |
b9d0cafc-08d6-4213-a10e-bca40004b6a1 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168515 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
ba43b251-18ab-4462-a0b2-a41318b179fb | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2006 | KUM | 164653 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
bab1784e-48de-4935-9ce1-c08d897cfb2e | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115250 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
bb0f3e2b-21ab-42a1-8d3e-27662665c9c9 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2008 | TTU-M | 114360 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
bb597ad0-cdb6-4620-9cba-95d082346a61 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115211 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
bb73427a-4bc6-48cc-abaf-5ff3bf0e2956 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115232 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
bba45b17-0226-4973-bf25-0f8b457f2fa8 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40525 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
bbdfe371-4821-4722-bbbb-35100f2aba6f | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275703 | fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted |
bc437f63-191d-4032-be12-5270a29d85c3 | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus stheno | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4411 | other tissue |
bcedeb55-0e6c-4c7e-a69c-a65d172c5a16 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168876 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
bd64b73c-80e8-473b-ba5d-21762e69c51f | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus subrufus | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168869 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
bd913fe7-a3df-4b24-8b59-c8f995ef45c8 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus subrufus | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168870 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
bdbca2b6-11ab-43c9-94c0-755f9e2e7b95 | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus trifoliatus | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4499 | ethanol tissue |
bdd68bbf-6e4f-4219-91a3-88f3f69f365e | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40544 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
bdd984fb-69d3-495f-8169-3ee029c07588 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus sedulus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108344 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
bded3683-7d98-48d9-b71a-aa6d64d9ae27 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2006 | KUM | 164654 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
bf598162-9024-44af-90de-e6478fac3acb | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | china | 1988 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:192693 | tissue (frozen) |
c02d4abb-12cc-4955-8b20-b3c9f32e593b | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2006 | KUM | 164662 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
c0534283-9c2b-4b8b-9dca-982728e702c3 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus trifoliatus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108273 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
c058ab36-7b52-4ead-9cab-f37d0b9debe3 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | vietnam | 1998 | Mammals | m-272151 | frozen, with skin, not mounted |
c127d5ef-cbe5-4895-b412-eb2f294adabe | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220896 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
c169e4e2-7a2c-43db-a340-9626a2e5e1e0 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus euryotis | papua new guinea | 1981 | TTU-M | 36258 | skull | fluid body | tissue(s) |
c1938177-defa-4e70-8a3d-48d2ee045e08 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220876 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
c1aefe07-a1e7-478d-bb16-05f769d7ad1b | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | philippine islands | 2014 | KUM | 171439 | tissue tissue unspecified; skeleton complete; skull complete; skin complete |
c21b8750-06b2-4d8d-b00a-57bec27a9ab3 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168330 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
c2ef937a-449c-4cbc-8240-8f387d0459a9 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220877 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
c386b3cf-ba1f-494e-9dcf-c17c53ac3e92 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220885 | tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed) |
c39ab921-2f1a-437d-867a-863eddf81ad8 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115206 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
c41c4ca2-bd61-4537-b891-683cc006d3f0 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168503 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
c43d643a-839e-4160-920b-067267a6082c | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus clivosus | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220903 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
c44a9c74-6026-46d4-854a-6a4f77a6b2b0 | 2d853a6d-50ec-4931-8e91-48fc2491fdee | lacm | rhinolophus | rhinolophus megaphyllus | australia | 1986 | Mammals | 74719 | skin and skull, tissue 0086 |
c50f99a2-2a10-43d5-9d2e-653ab6c72df6 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275609 | skull, fluid, tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, not mounted, with skin, frozen |
c5a6d6c5-9898-4f72-a9d5-6b009dc84a62 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus megaphyllus | australia | 1984 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:182546 | skin, study; tissue (frozen) |
c60f85d2-abee-46f2-8867-775b440f507a | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2008 | TTU-M | 114356 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
c63e7108-04c2-47d0-b278-763c2670c87a | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168470 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
c6c7773e-c1c3-49b5-bb9a-a15bf199940e | d598446c-2b25-4d5d-a983-99be53001203 | nmv | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 1992 | DNA Laboratory | z32679 | tissue|frozen|ethanol 95%|liver|ethanol 96%|-196°c |
c8104871-cb1a-4d5e-962d-23178a4a599e | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2008 | TTU-M | 114359 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
c83bc5a9-3303-4c9f-a06f-964bc1b324bf | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus creaghi | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4505 | ethanol tissue |
c8683ff3-7105-4bb3-9c64-98f6d10eb5c0 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus sedulus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108325 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
ca73ac71-46bf-43f9-a9ee-6434273fb241 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | philippine islands | 2014 | KUM | 171492 | tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete |
cadf548a-7f2d-467a-9ef9-3b6f935bfc3c | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2006 | KUM | 164663 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
cbffc706-e758-4f5d-85a5-8137db59dbaf | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus stheno | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4409 | other tissue |
cc10e927-1e75-4352-901f-3694a3279428 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2008 | TTU-M | 114357 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
cc2fc387-4794-467e-9efa-6a6f493e056d | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115202 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
cc88d6be-4433-4eb8-b329-a4bfae9df5c0 | ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 | rom | rhinolophus | rhinolophus borneensis | indonesia; borneo | 1993 | Mammals | 101973 | voucher not available; tissue only |
ccdb1d09-41d0-4193-bf1d-c1433ddd81bf | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115234 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
cd7a50b5-e622-42e6-8c72-9daa5a1053e6 | 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f | mcz | manis | manis crassicaudata | india | 1829 | Mamm | bom-1066 | skull (dry); tissue (dry) sample |
cdcae2be-6a2c-4c8a-b0f2-89449ff2edb2 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40538 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
cdf6ded3-2f54-4e27-a574-505bd428f81d | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115253 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
ce364726-e311-4986-b016-6c25cc1b1ee7 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40535 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
ce75df00-0915-4af4-99f1-7114ab852d59 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2014 | KUM | 171524 | tissue tissue unspecified; skeleton complete; skull complete; skin complete |
ceff78ce-e3d9-434c-b439-ad01bde3a93e | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus clivosus | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220905 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
cf73c1c5-ee78-4c92-8fb1-277a93f3d269 | 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd | ummz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 1998 | mammals | 174638 | fluid-alcohol - 1|tissue - 1 |
cf7701bc-399e-4c34-b2ae-0a342f98c393 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168446 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
cfd1978e-d6e3-4c0c-a8bb-9c5e7707d05f | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus creaghi | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4503 | ethanol tissue |
cfedb8c6-509f-4b87-9ac2-2cd9259b7215 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115245 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
cff08d97-2b57-4d6b-98fc-359a0d26cc70 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168435 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
d14f8b1a-38c2-499f-a946-705316f11914 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115208 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
d1932e26-d3d7-4873-85a9-fff5c97bd26e | d598446c-2b25-4d5d-a983-99be53001203 | nmv | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 2013 | DNA Laboratory | z23042 | tissue|frozen|ethanol 70%|liver|-80°c |
d21bc86f-aaa7-45a1-8017-3337c2448920 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220888 | tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed) |
d3a61c8a-51b0-489d-a9a3-f72b642179b7 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus stheno | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108177 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
d4a22966-5ddc-443a-a17c-b0a9e179c153 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | united states | 2006 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:239245 | tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed) |
d50040de-7651-487a-968a-9c9fe67030f5 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40537 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
d6047bba-721a-42b6-a882-c398c9332441 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220891 | tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed) |
d637729b-bbcc-4233-babe-ca242d357cfc | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus inops | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168133 | tissue; frozen; skull; etoh; true |
d65d5137-8d7c-4802-961d-184164773620 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus alcyone | central african republic | 1998 | Mammals | m-268373 | frozen |
d6d3605a-dc53-4a57-bde6-d086a513b504 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2014 | KUM | 171403 | tissue tissue unspecified; skeleton complete; skull complete; skin complete |
d74328e1-7401-474a-8c84-0ed6722fe878 | 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f | mcz | paguma | paguma larvata leucomystax | indonesia | 1937 | Mamm | 36044 | skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); tissue (dry) sample |
d7448bca-e022-4cad-9049-f71cc079731b | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168267 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
d7540d91-0be9-4d0f-ae3f-b0acc872146c | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168318 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
d8aca73a-a678-4409-9445-7bf53fb5f784 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40526 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
d8b69a91-c0bc-4c7b-b9a6-234cdad56b0f | 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f | mcz | manis | manis javanica | indonesia | 1937 | Mamm | 36022 | skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry) sample |
d93b9a65-30cd-4f88-96c6-9da6edac05bb | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus creaghi | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4516 | ethanol tissue |
d9cfe1ac-b76c-4325-bae2-d56efd60f5e5 | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus creaghi | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4504 | ethanol tissue |
dacaf9cc-b1d9-42aa-aef5-d5ee30f21f15 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220894 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
daf3ffaa-c8af-4a46-b894-3d01ae892e8e | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus clivosus | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220901 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
db03947d-59f5-425d-a08b-4ecb263d0e7c | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168737 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
dc0f2621-f9ee-4240-9bae-074c8233d735 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | paguma | paguma larvata | vietnam | 1997 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:186576 | tissue (ethanol 95%; frozen); whole organism (ethanol) |
de11b9d1-3caa-4a39-8621-352d6e44d9a4 | 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f | mcz | paguma | paguma larvata | malaysia | 1937 | Mamm | 36769 | tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); skeleton (dry); hide (dry); tissue (dry) sample |
de1ae963-f979-4b25-af68-0f35daae4630 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108359 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
de577e72-375a-4dc2-9775-00055fda3c41 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | italy | 1979 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:159212 | tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol) |
de7df185-45f2-44a5-8ebc-9e121a1786fb | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:234393 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
de84431b-047d-45a2-ad53-48d6461a451f | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168507 | tissue unspecified; frozen; etoh complete; true |
dec32acf-58bb-49f7-b852-30229aa3b135 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus swinnyi | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220883 | tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed) |
decfb87f-dcc8-4805-8794-06d439cc5ad1 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168790 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; skeleton complete; false; skull complete |
dfc6027a-0f0d-44f6-8ebe-6b47d5882356 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:234392 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
e0ae29a2-ba02-494d-b99c-a5dc60dd0891 | 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e | msb | rhinolophus | rhinolophus lepidus lepidus | india | 1984 | Mamm | msb:mamm:231649 | unknown (frozen) |
e11284c2-627f-47e1-a615-4e1f92749e0f | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168652 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
e13fdc4e-dc5e-4250-9533-e3503e52ec2b | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus macrotis | philippines | 2011 | TTU-M | 113733 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
e2222e7d-ea01-4960-ac11-b99d072ecac6 | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus trifoliatus | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4415 | other tissue |
e2d239bb-d36b-4e4a-bd7a-fa771f0771fd | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275698 | fluid, tissue, whole body, unknown tissue, with skin, frozen |
e56f734d-4d27-425a-a12a-ee1424aad758 | 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e | msb | rhinolophus | rhinolophus lepidus lepidus | india | 1984 | Mamm | msb:mamm:231644 | unknown (frozen) |
e5c37eec-db64-4a3b-8f4d-5edca8de2485 | d598446c-2b25-4d5d-a983-99be53001203 | nmv | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 2014 | DNA Laboratory | z27957 | tissue|frozen|ethanol 70%|liver|-80°c |
e66e5b38-b88d-4425-b63f-186b908d1416 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | jordan | 1983 | TTU-M | 40542 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
e6e7f632-8394-44cd-8c86-184bdae16ac4 | 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f | mcz | paguma | paguma larvata larvata | china | 1921 | Mamm | 24831 | tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); skeleton (dry); hide (dry); tissue (dry) sample |
e6ec6a30-c9ae-4705-b50d-0e058a7f887b | 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f | mcz | manis | manis pentadactyla | vietnam | 1939 | Mamm | 38281 | skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry) sample; tissue (dry) sample |
e70c4ff9-38f4-411a-88e1-76b32e6f20b9 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus luctus | vietnam | 1998 | Mammals | m-272284 | not mounted, frozen, with skin |
e7e02243-152e-4941-83c7-58bfa7ff3823 | 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd | ummz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | indonesia | 1998 | mammals | 174644 | fluid-alcohol - 1|tissue - 1 |
e8523d6a-91e2-4179-8077-a5b69db98ae5 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168428 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
e8d47113-26b5-43a4-a114-798cc093aaa7 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275701 | skull, tissue, fluid, cranium and mandible, unknown tissue, body with skull removed, not mounted, frozen, with skin |
e8e148b7-2c72-4e4f-bea2-8feebbb040f2 | ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 | rom | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | china | 2005 | Mammals | 116445 | voucher not available; tissue only |
e91b9251-6ae3-4ed8-a7f0-f7dc0f94d0a1 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115166 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
e9a916a8-c4ee-490a-9091-ad78489c2f3e | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus swinnyi | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220882 | tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed) |
e9bf9b6e-a637-417d-a29a-bee586456f6e | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | vietnam | 1999 | Mammals | m-273032 | frozen, not mounted |
e9d85a5e-be80-4400-b554-e0fcad30c528 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus luctus | malaysia | 2006 | TTU-M | 108407 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
e9fc7029-d2db-4901-8b5e-217f07b9df08 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115235 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
ea00b646-78ee-4023-8790-81279450a844 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168235 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
ea596b7d-ad0b-468c-8922-01bf7fbecd49 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus stheno microglobosus | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275720 | skull, fluid, tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, not mounted, with skin, frozen |
ec2e3816-7ea7-4a38-8bb6-e207133286bb | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus creaghi | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4502 | ethanol tissue |
eca04bc9-f436-4864-99a4-b332d2cf4daa | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168437 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
ed643a4f-10d4-49a9-8535-b4a97e06b778 | ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 | rom | rhinolophus | rhinolophus borneensis | indonesia; borneo | 1993 | Mammals | 101975 | voucher not available; tissue only |
ef14d5e8-73d7-4af7-99da-909e20d93559 | 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e | msb | rhinolophus | rhinolophus lepidus lepidus | india | 1984 | Mamm | msb:mamm:231646 | unknown (frozen) |
ef63d772-785a-42f8-a57c-23807d1693fe | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus lobatus | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220875 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
efeb0eb3-792e-4359-8480-86bd8d104795 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus subrufus | philippine islands | 2005 | KUM | 164349 | etoh partial; true; skull complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
f0b9b9b9-5dda-441f-bb21-6746b58ffef5 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115230 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
f2a02993-c611-40a9-93e1-09b6ddb7fe19 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168541 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
f2a533ed-f777-44b9-8bbf-d2868ddac7cb | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | philippine islands | 2014 | KUM | 171416 | tissue tissue unspecified; skeleton complete; skull complete; skin complete |
f2ca8b99-c19f-4c15-b53a-814fcc73a0fe | 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f | mcz | manis | phataginus tricuspis | uganda | 1938 | Mamm | 39417 | skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry) |
f2d62103-ed1b-43a5-9de0-fe68b46e135b | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168460 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
f34fadb9-e45a-48e4-8bf9-e521ef4a0f50 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275707 | tissue, skull, fluid, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, frozen, not mounted, with skin |
f386ec8c-fc81-443d-ac68-388e3b751721 | 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f | mcz | manis | manis pentadactyla | thailand | 1937 | Mamm | 35957 | skin (dry); tissue (dry) sample |
f3d94eea-b4be-4f58-b1d5-1a3755df9a22 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 168879 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
f42e4dcc-8121-4ed7-b205-68551027d745 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220906 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
f4d0f67d-11aa-45e1-90d3-2c6a9b70bb8b | 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd | ummz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | pakistan | 1990 | mammals | 167652 | fluid-alcohol - 1|tissue - 1 |
f4d7b1e4-0c5e-48f5-8725-2ab7a1062f7e | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2005 | KUM | 164368 | etoh partial; true; skull complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
f4eee9df-a48c-4021-9767-699cb95ec946 | cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | amnh | rhinolophus | rhinolophus pearsonii | vietnam | 2004 | Mammals | m-275706 | fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted |
f569fa5d-b28e-429a-8ed2-3acb7b521758 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | united states | 2006 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:239246 | tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed) |
f5825061-c946-4559-be5f-f79b71089745 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115254 | skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) |
f5cf6576-4923-4781-93f9-031922294805 | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus affinis | china | 1988 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:192694 | tissue (frozen) |
f63a5a3a-5da0-4169-aefc-fe8966ee9d11 | a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | lsumz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus creaghi | malaysia | NA | mammalTissues | 4515 | ethanol tissue |
f63dfe62-3a44-4d03-a0c7-c5cecf84269e | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus blasii | malawi | 2007 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:220892 | skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) |
f757e579-72de-4daf-9616-dfdf18be99bc | fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | mvz | rhinolophus | rhinolophus ferrumequinum | united states | 2006 | Mamm | mvz:mamm:239252 | tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed) |
f7e0b65a-20ef-411d-8555-76a435c72e92 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2011 | KUM | 168340 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
f8af0632-a608-4bdc-b8f5-422251a5339a | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus subrufus | philippine islands | 2013 | KUM | 171572 | tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete |
fa9fecc6-8394-43d0-bb80-abec4688fa6d | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168462 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
fbcb5742-b794-4cad-97f6-d714f3bcdee4 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2006 | KUM | 164656 | etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true |
fc40627a-d731-4e43-b9e8-d153a4559e80 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115228 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
fd700450-8db8-4a3e-b8b8-e63f4c2459e2 | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus virgo | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168666 | tissue; frozen; etoh; true |
fe5a0ef6-1353-4fa0-ab25-0a0fabfd3804 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus denti | botswana | 2009 | TTU-M | 115227 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
ff732aae-c867-40c3-9cde-ac1e06031706 | 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | ttu | rhinolophus | rhinolophus philippinensis | philippines | 2011 | TTU-M | 113737 | whole fluid | tissue(s) |
ffbb21af-007b-45a4-92bb-c88988de62ad | fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | ku | rhinolophus | rhinolophus arcuatus | philippine islands | 2012 | KUM | 168472 | tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete |
We can view the preparation distinct values present in our subset of data to see if there are any other values we might want to filter on:
data.dwc:preparations | n |
0°c freezer tissue | 1 |
carcass (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed); skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) | 4 |
embryo (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed); skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) | 1 |
ethanol tissue | 20 |
etoh complete; true; tissue tusk; frozen; true | 1 |
etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen | 1 |
etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true | 18 |
etoh partial; true; skull complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen | 1 |
etoh partial; true; skull complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true | 4 |
fluid, skull, tissue, body with skull removed, cranium and mandible, unknown tissue, with skin, not mounted, frozen | 1 |
fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted | 9 |
fluid, tissue, whole body, unknown tissue, with skin, frozen | 1 |
fluid-alcohol - 1|tissue - 1 | 13 |
formalin, whole; tissues (loans); tissues: spleen (loans) | 1 |
frozen | 2 |
frozen, not mounted | 1 |
frozen, with skin | 1 |
frozen, with skin, not mounted | 2 |
heart, kidney (frozen); liver (frozen) | 2 |
liver (frozen); muscle (frozen); skull; whole organism (alcohol) | 3 |
muscle (frozen); whole organism (ethanol) | 1 |
not mounted, frozen, with skin | 1 |
other tissue | 8 |
skeleton; skin, study; skull; tissue (ethanol 95%; frozen) | 1 |
skeleton; skin, study; tissue (frozen) | 1 |
skeleton; tissue (frozen) | 1 |
skin (dry); skeleton (dry); tissue (dry) sample | 1 |
skin (dry); tissue (dry) sample | 1 |
skin - 1|skull - 1|tissue - 1 | 1 |
skin and skull, tissue 0086 | 1 |
skin and skull, tissue 0087 | 1 |
skin and skull, tissue 0088 | 1 |
skin and skull, tissue 0129 | 1 |
skin and skull, tissue 0135 | 1 |
skin | skull | skeleton | tissue(s) | 44 |
skin | skull | tissue(s) | 2 |
skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) | 20 |
skin, study; tissue (frozen) | 1 |
skin; skull; tissues: hair (loans) | 1 |
skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry) | 3 |
skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry) sample | 3 |
skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry) sample; tissue (dry) sample | 1 |
skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); tissue (dry) sample | 3 |
skull (dry); tissue (dry) sample | 1 |
skull | fluid body | tissue(s) | 4 |
skull | skeleton | tissue(s) | 2 |
skull, fluid, tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, not mounted, with skin, frozen | 3 |
skull, tissue, fluid, cranium and mandible, unknown tissue, body with skull removed, not mounted, frozen, with skin | 1 |
tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed) | 11 |
tissue (dry) | 1 |
tissue (ethanol 95%; frozen); whole organism (ethanol) | 1 |
tissue (frozen) | 5 |
tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol 70%; formalin-fixed) | 3 |
tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol) | 2 |
tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed) | 6 |
tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); skeleton (dry); hide (dry); tissue (dry) sample | 2 |
tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); skeleton (dry); tissue (dry) sample | 1 |
tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete | 8 |
tissue tissue unspecified; skeleton complete; skull complete | 1 |
tissue tissue unspecified; skeleton complete; skull complete; skin complete | 5 |
tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete | 25 |
tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete | 51 |
tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete; skull complete | 1 |
tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; skeleton complete; false; skull complete | 4 |
tissue tissue unspecified; unknown; true; etoh complete | 1 |
tissue unspecified; frozen; etoh complete; true | 3 |
tissue, skull, fluid, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, frozen, not mounted, with skin | 4 |
tissue, skull, fluid, unknown tissue, cranium and mandibles, body with skull removed, frozen, not mounted, with skin | 1 |
tissue, unknown tissue, frozen | 1 |
tissue-1, alcohol-1 | 2 |
tissue-1, skeleton-1, skull-1, skin-1 | 2 |
tissue; frozen; etoh; true | 28 |
tissue; frozen; skeleton; skull; true | 1 |
tissue; frozen; skull; etoh; true | 6 |
tissue|frozen|ethanol 70%|liver|-80°c | 2 |
tissue|frozen|ethanol 95%|liver|ethanol 96%|-196°c | 2 |
unknown (frozen) | 9 |
unknown prep | tissue(s) | 3 |
voucher not available; tissue only | 12 |
whole fluid | tissue(s) | 63 |
Contact institutions with specimens of interest
These data come from from multiple institutions, and if we wanted to examine the physical specimens or inquire about getting tissue samples, we would need to contact each institution. We can figure out who to contact using our results.
# Count how many records in the data were contributed by each recordset
recordtally <- recordsfiltered %>%
group_by(recordset) %>%
tally() %>% rename()
# Get metadata from the attributes of the `records` data frame
collections <- tibble(collection = attr(recordsfiltered, "attribution")) %>%
# Expand information captured in nested lists
recordset_uuid = "uuid",
recordset_name = "name",
recordset_url= "url",
contacts = "contacts") %>%
# Get rid of extraneous attribution metadata
select(-collection) %>%
# Expand information captured in nested lists
unnest_longer(contacts) %>%
# Expand information captured in nested lists
unnest_wider(contacts) %>%
# Remove any contacts without an email address listed
filter(! %>%
# Get rid of duplicate contacts within the same recordset
distinct() %>%
# Rename some columns
rename(contact_role = role, contact_email = email) %>%
# Group first and last names together in the same column
unite(col = "contact_name",
first_name, last_name,
sep = " ",
na.rm = TRUE) %>%
# Restructure data frame so that there is one row per recordset
group_by(recordset_uuid) %>%
mutate(contact_index = row_number()) %>%
mutate(recordset_url = if_else(grepl("^http://", recordset_url),
gsub("^http://", "https://", recordset_url),
)) %>%
mutate(recordset_url = if_else(grepl("", recordset_url),
gsub("", "", recordset_url),
)) %>%
mutate(recordset_url = if_else(grepl("", recordset_url),
gsub("", "", recordset_url),
)) %>%
mutate(recordset_url = if_else(grepl("", recordset_url),
gsub("", "", recordset_url),
)) %>%
mutate(recordset_url = if_else(
grepl("\\$Content/Mammals\\?OpenDocument", recordset_url),
gsub("\\$Content/Mammals\\?OpenDocument", "", recordset_url),
)) %>%
mutate(recordset_url = if_else(grepl("", recordset_url),
gsub("", "", recordset_url),
)) %>%
mutate(recordset_url = if_else(grepl("", recordset_url),
gsub("", "", recordset_url),
)) %>%
mutate(recordset_url = if_else(grepl("", recordset_url),
gsub("", "", recordset_url),
)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = contact_index,
values_from = c(contact_name, contact_role, contact_email)) %>%
# Include how many records in the data were contributed by each recordset
left_join(recordtally, by = c("recordset_uuid"="recordset")) %>%
# Filter and remove n = 0
filter(! %>%
# Get rid of any rows which don't actually contribute data to `records`;
# necessary because the attribute metadata by default includes all recordsets
# in iDigBio that match the `idig_search_records` query, even if you filter
# or limit those results in your own code
filter(recordset_uuid %in% records$recordset)
Our newly constructed collections
data frame contains
contact information for each of the collections (i.e. recordsets)
providing data, and looks like this:
recordset_uuid | recordset_name | recordset_url | contact_name_1 | contact_name_2 | contact_name_3 | contact_name_4 | contact_name_5 | contact_name_6 | contact_name_7 | contact_name_8 | contact_name_9 | contact_name_10 | contact_name_11 | contact_role_1 | contact_role_2 | contact_role_3 | contact_role_4 | contact_role_5 | contact_role_6 | contact_role_7 | contact_role_8 | contact_role_9 | contact_role_10 | contact_role_11 | contact_email_1 | contact_email_2 | contact_email_3 | contact_email_4 | contact_email_5 | contact_email_6 | contact_email_7 | contact_email_8 | contact_email_9 | contact_email_10 | contact_email_11 | n |
cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 | AMNH Mammal Collections | | Tom Trombone | Laura Russell | David Bloom | John Wieczorek | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Data Manager | VertNet Programmer | VertNet Coordinator | Information Architect | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | | | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 28 |
ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 | Mammalogy Collection - Royal Ontario Museum | Bradley Millen | Burton Lim | Judith Eger | Susan Woodward | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Database Technician | Associate Curator | Curator - retired | Assistant Curator - Retired | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | | | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 12 | |
271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f | Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University | | Paul J. Morris | Paul J. Morris | Breda Zimkus | Brendan Haley | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Biodiversity Informatics Manager | Biodiversity Informatics Manager | Acting Director of Collections Operations | Senior Database Manager | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | | | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 16 |
fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 | KUBI Mammalogy Collection | | Andrew Bentley | Dianna Krejsa | Jocelyn Colella | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Bioinformatics Manager | Collection Manager | Curator | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 159 |
2d853a6d-50ec-4931-8e91-48fc2491fdee | LACM Vertebrate Collection | | William Mertz | William Ludt | Todd Clardy | Shannen Robson | Young Ha Suh | Neftali Camacho | David Bloom | John Wieczorek | Kimball Garrett | Neftali Camacho | Shannen Robson | Database & Reports Manager | Curator | Collections Manager | Collections Manager | Collections Manager | Collections Manager | VertNet Coordinator | Information Architect | Collection Manager - Birds | Collections Manager - Herpetology | Collections Manager - Mammalogy | | | | | | | | | | | | 5 |
d598446c-2b25-4d5d-a983-99be53001203 | Museums Victoria provider for OZCAM | | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 4 | |
497d74c2-d07f-4325-ac9c-8e80bcb53f61 | Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM | | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 2 | |
433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 | Museum of Texas Tech University Mammalogy Collection | | Heath Garner | Robert D. Bradley | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Administrative, Technical point of contact | Administrative Point of Contact | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | | | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 118 | ||
09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e | MSB Mammal Collection (Arctos) | | Joseph Cook | Laura Russell | David Bloom | John Wieczorek | Dusty McDonald | Jon Dunnum | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Curator of Mammals | VertNet Programmer | VertNet Coordinator | Information Architect | Arctos Database Programmer | Collection Manager, Mammals | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | | | | | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 14 |
fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 | MVZ Mammal Collection (Arctos) | | Chris Conroy | Laura Russell | David Bloom | John Wieczorek | Dusty McDonald | Eileen Lacey | James Patton | NA | NA | NA | NA | Staff Curator of Mammals | VertNet Programmer | VertNet Coordinator | Information Architect | Arctos Database Programmer | Faculty Curator of Mammals | Faculty Curator of Mammals | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | | | | | | NA | NA | NA | NA | 54 |
2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd | University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Mammals | | UMMZ Mammals Data Group | Admins LSA IT | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 14 |
21ea1ef6-4a2a-4ff2-a18b-5c0f297fc1cf | UWBM Mammalogy Collection (Arctos) | | Jeff Bradley | David Bloom | John Wieczorek | Dusty McDonald | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Collection Manager | VertNet Coordinator | Information Architect | Arctos Database Programmer | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | | | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 3 |
76015dea-c909-4e6d-a8e1-3bf35763571e | Vertebrate Zoology Division - Mammalogy, Yale Peabody Museum | Larry Gall | Kristof Zyskowski | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Head, Computer Systems Office | Division of Vertebrate Zoology | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 1 | |
a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 | LSUMZ Mammal Tissues | | Donna Dittmann | Laura Russell | David Bloom | John Wieczorek | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Collections Manager | VertNet Programmer | VertNet Coordinator | Information Architect | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | | | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 29 |
c6969e30-ca21-4576-954d-9c0e052bdde9 | LSUMZ Mammals Collection | | Jake Esselstyn | Laura Russell | David Bloom | John Wieczorek | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Curator | VertNet Programmer | VertNet Coordinator | Information Architect | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | | | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 4 |
b4d4e884-a2ef-4967-b4cb-2072fc465eaf | UAM Mammal Collection (Arctos) | | Link Olson | Laura Russell | David Bloom | John Wieczorek | Dusty McDonald | Aren Gunderson | Kyndall Hildebrandt | NA | NA | NA | NA | Curator of Mammals | VertNet Programmer | VertNet Coordinator | Information Architect | Arctos Database Programmer | Mammals Collection Manager | Genomic Resources Collection Manager | NA | NA | NA | NA | | | | | | | | NA | NA | NA | NA | 1 |