Learning Objectives
- Know what an R package is and how to install one
- Install and load the ridigbio package
- Retrieve occurrence data with ridigbio
- Manually clean data
- Write a CSV file from a data.frame
Packages in R are basically sets of additional functions that let you do more stuff in R. The functions we’ve been using, like str(), come built into R; packages give you access to more functions. You need to install a package and then load it to be able to use it.
You might get asked to choose a CRAN mirror - this is basically asking you to choose a site to download the package from. The choice doesn’t matter too much; We recommend the RStudio mirror.
You only need to install a package once per computer, but you need to load it every time you open a new R session and want to use that package. The best place to load the package is at the top of your R script file.
You may already have the ridigbio package installed. In case you do not, you can do so using the R Studio interface.
RStudio will go out to the internet, download the packages from the mirror you selected, and install them for you.
If everything worked properly, then the following R code should run without errors:
Let’s get started fetching data! Ok, not so fast. Ridigbio and the API get data over the internet so if everyone tries to run large queries, we will run out of bandwidth. The first thing we are going to learn how to do when searching with the ridigbio package is limit the number of results returned.
The main function in the ridigbio package for searching records is called idig_search_records()
Let’s try a simple example:
idig_search_records(limit=10, rq=list(genus="acer"))
Did a lot of stuff that looked like data go scrolling by on the screen?
Let’s change that example to save it to a variable:
df <- idig_search_records(limit=10, rq=list(genus="acer"))
is the main data structure for most tabular data and what we use for statistics and plotting.
A data.frame
is a collection of vectors of identical lengths. Each vector represents a column, and each vector can be of a different data type (e.g., characters, integers, factors). The str()
function is useful to inspect the data types of the columns.
If you’re not familiar with some of the words in that definition, you can think of a dataframe as a well formatted table of data.
A data.frame
is what the idig_search_records()
function returns to you. We saved that data.frame
to a variable called df
. RStudio includes a variable viewer that will let you look at the values of variables in a pretty format. To look at the df
variable, click on the variable name in the Environment tab in the upper right section of RStudio. It should open a tab in the script area that looks like this:
s are wonderful, complex, and powerful data structures. We are going to see only a tiny part of what they are capable of today.
You can see that some records have NA in some of the columns. You may even see that some of the data in some columns looks wrong. An important part of downloading data from other sources is to inspect it and clean it of errors and of data that does not meet your requirements. No data provider is perfect so cleaning data is normal and everyone does it.
As a first step, let’s get rid of columns that we do not need. Remember that LifeMapper only needs the scientific name, longitude, and latitude. Let’s create a new data.frame
that has only those columns.
To do that, we will use an operation called indexing. We will use syntax with the name of the dataframe that specifies the column names that we would like as a vector and R will take only those columns from the data.frame and return a new data frame to us. That syntax uses square brackets to surround the vector and the c()
function to create a vector of column names:
df_small <- df[,
c("scientificname", "geopoint.lon", "geopoint.lat")
The whole command has been split in to three lines so it is easier to read. You will need to run all three lines together.
Notice the ,
(comma) at the end of the first line? We’ll talk more about that in a second.
Examine the df_small
data.frame. Is it what you expected? Do you notice anything about the order of the records?
We have removed the extra columns but we still have rows with data that does not look good.
Depending on what data is in iDigBio today, there might be records that have not been identified to the species level. Let us remove those records because in LifeMapper, we are trying to model a specific species and not just undentified specimens.
To select rows from a data.frame, we will use indexing again. This time however we will provide a vector containing TRUE
values for each row in the dataframe. R will return to us a new data.frame that contains only the rows that correspond to a TRUE
in the vector.
How do we make such a vector? We can do so by selecting a column from the dataframe and using the is.na()
function to look for NA values:
The $
syntax is a short way of writing df_small[c("scientificname")]
. If you only want to refer to one column in a dataframe, you can just separate the data.frame name from the column name with a $
(dollar sign).
That was a vector of mostly FALSE
values, right? We want to select rows where there is.na() is FALSE
so we need to flip them to TRUE
. We can do that with the !
(exclamaition point) symbol. So put it together:
df_clean <- df_small[
Notice the comma at the end of the second line this time? Remember we would talk about commas?
It turns out that the []
syntax takes two things: the rows you want and the columns you want. You can leave either blank to mean “all” but you need to include the comma so R knows which is which. We could also do both the row and column selection at the same time:
df_clean <- df[
c("scientificname", "geopoint.lon", "geopoint.lat")
We didn’t need the df_small
variable in this case. We just indexed in to df
and took only the things we wanted.
Does df_clean
look like you expect?
It still looks like there is missing data in the longitude and latitude columns. We can remove that data by changing the TRUE
/ FALSE' vector we used as an index to consider more than one row. We can combine the criteria with the
&(ampersand) symbol which means "and". (The
|` (pipe) symbol means “or”.)
df_clean <- df[
!is.na(df_small$scientificname) &
!is.na(df_small$geopoint.lon) &
c("scientificname", "geopoint.lon", "geopoint.lat")
Now how many rows does df_clean
have? Is that what you expect?
If you have a lot of data to clean, a good package to learn about is dplyr
. The official Data Carpentry lessons use this to do data cleaning. With it you can calucluate new columns, remove data, and even join data from different sources together.
We have downloaded data from iDigBio and cleaned it but it still all lives in a variable in RStudio. LifeMapper needs it in a CSV file.
Fotunately, data.frames are easy to write out:
write.csv(df_clean, "data/acer_cleaned.csv")
If you look in your data directory, you should now see a new file.